Little By Little Magazine - Summer 2021 Issue Homeward Bound
A first: Dario takes a bath in a jacuzzi tub.

Heading out for a date night after 3 days of house hunting and test taking. Catfish here we come!

Out driving one day we happened upon this meant to be moment for Michael. Another British car enthusiast right here in our area- a future visit and meeting of the minds will be happening no doubt. When it did take place we learned a great deal from this long time British car enthusiast- Triumphs were joined by Morris Minors, British Estate Wagons and many other cool finds. When we asked about hours; the answer was simply, “When I’m here we’re open and when I’m not, we’re not.”

Visiting Garvan Woodland Gardens - a botanical and woodland garden nestled on Lake Catherine. Dario was welcome and was greeted by this lovely -his first peacock meeting. Thankfully it was an uneventful introduction for them but a beautiful display of color for us.
Our transition place until we found a home and a closing date.

While we were staying at the rental awaiting our closing date; foraging and making small simple flower arrangements became a form of relaxation. Lovely to make and admire while bringing beauty into our temporary space.

A patio planter created using an antique from Michael's mother's collection and simple annuals of petunias and dianthus in pinks and burgundies.
Tacos 4 Life - loved the concept of this chain so we decided to give it a try. Kindness prevails.

A homemade dress can be as simple as they can be old fashioned. Be sure to check out the Ultimate White Summer Dress on for the latest OPS project!

Dario checks out the new raised bed area. More details on Homegrown video on the Italy: Little By Little YouTube Channel. Be sure to check us out there!

Exploring Arkansas - Dario visits Hot Springs, Mount Magazine & Pinnacle State Park
Family hiking day trips will become a part of our new chapter in Arkansas. Good for the soul.
Domesticity Simplicity Necessity is all about the hammock for the Summer season. We’re in search of a stand at the moment. But in the meantime our previously mint green tasseled hammock has been hand dyed to match the color of the new house. It was my last ditch effort to camoflage the mulberry stains it collected last season. And guess what? It worked like a charm! So now it’s time to relax with a good Summer read.
